BombSquad Baseball


Play BombSquad

Rules for Umpires, Coaches, Players and Fans…

Policies and Procedures

  1. BombSquad Baseball’s tournament management will make every effort to treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring them to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Situations that arise may not be covered in rules and will be determined in what is fair and consistent with traditional baseball. Of course, one or both teams may be adversely affected by rulings. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final.


2. FANS are to cheer for their players and great plays. They are not to spew negative and critical comments for all to hear as this lowers the atmosphere and players perform worse. Fans ARE NOT to address umpires in any manner before, during or after games. If a fan has a question or disagreement, they should communicate with their team’s coach.

3. Umpires have been assigned to each game that have no vested interested in the outcome for either team. Coaches, players and their fans should treat the umpires with respect, even when in disagreement or if in their viewpoint a call was botched.With regard to on-field calls, the decision of the umpires shall be final.

Coaches may request time to calmly and quietly discuss rules interpretations or to find out if a second umpire had a better vantage point to make a call. Balls and strikes and are not up for debate, questionable and no one wants to hear the moans and groans so often found at youth baseball parks. Do not make a scene, do not scream at the umps from your dugout or coaching box, do not mutter under your breath… simply call time and converse with your umpire. They may make mistakes and will certainly make decisions (perhaps many decisions) that one team or the other disagree with. Its a youth baseball game and is not going to make or break any player’s professional baseball possibilities so communicate then move on.

4. Aggressive, covertly hostile and/or bad behavior by spectators, coaches, players, and fans targeting event staff, umpires, other teams, players, coaches or fans will not be tolerated and is cause for removal from the game, tournament, future tournaments, event premises and a visit with local authorities. This unwanted hostility may be verbal, physical and also extends to include all other online communication channels used to cyber bully, harm, injur, disrespect, or invalidate another.

As most incidents occur at or near the end of games, a fan, coach or player ejected from the game may not participate in the following game.

If a situation is considered unruly, violent or potentially violent, or rises to be considered dangerous to players, coaches, fans or umpires, the Tournament Director may disqualify the team from the tournament and no refunds will be due.

5. Coaches are to ensure their fans know and understand that this tournament does not want “noise pollution” as it adversely affects those trying to enjoy youth baseball. If fans ride umpires, engage in derogatory, critical and invalidating comments that negatively affect the environment of those around them, their coach is to be given a warning to handle his fans by the umpire and if he does not handle it, the coach is to be ejected. If the fans or coaches continue to be hostile, the team may be disqualified from the game and the tournament at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

6. The Tournament Director reserves the right to eject any fan from the premises in order to resolve situations and maintain a safe environment. Coaches are asked to assist with the removal of any ejected fans.

7. Our intention is for this to be a family friendly event. Unlike many professional sporting events, our staff and umpires are not paid enough to receive your criticism so don’t do it . Please help us to maintain a friendly atmosphere, even if you disagree with every call an umpire makes.

8. All teams must check in at least one hour prior to their first game and present a parent and coach signed roster/waiver, copies of birth certificates to be kept until the conclusion of the tournament, and a copy of your insurance certificate.A maximum of 21 players may be on the official tournament roster and only those players may participate in tournament games.


9. Prior to the start of each game, both teams will donate two NEW quality game balls (ex. Wilson A1010, A1030) and deliver them to the umpire. Teams and their fans are asked to retrieve all foul balls and return them to the umpire.Should a player hit an out of the park home run, his coach may replace one of the game balls with an acceptable ball and offer the home run ball to his player. Umpires will retain all game balls at the conclusion of the games as these are used for Home Run Derby and then donated to the local youth and school baseball programs.


10. There will be spectator admission fees for spectators for adults and children seven and older. You can purchase tickets and weekend passes through this website or at the ticket gate.

This is a spectator pass. Should want to sit in your car and watch the game, no problem but you are being a spectator and the spectator fee is due. 

NOTE: Only three coaches including a scorekeeper per team are allowed in the dugout and only 3 are provided free entry into the park. We know many if not all parents are assistant coaches, especially in the younger age groups, so we drew the line at a total of 3 and no more than 3 adults in the dugout.

Once on-site spectator fees are paid, there will be no refunds or rain checks once the first pitch of your first game of the day has been thrown. If your game starts, is interupted by weather, is rescheduled to another day and it is your only game of the day, you will be credited so no additional entry fee is due.

11. Coaches – please ensure all of your fans know there is an admission fee to watch games. The admission fees pay for tournament expenses and thousnads of dollars each summer gets donated back to the local high school’s baseball programs. We won’t make a scene with your fans that refuse to pay, but will notify the coach and a team representative will need to cover the fan’s admission prior to the start of the next game or if there is a bigger issue we’ll halt the game until it gets sorted out.

Note: As mentioned, our tournament donates thousands perhaps tens of thousands of dolllars each year to local baseball programs.

Part of our donation are the 2 new game balls, which become used game balls throughout the game,  each team supplies to start each game.

Please do not steal from BombSquard or the donation fund by spectating without paying the spectator fee or walking off with the donated game balls.. If your spectators refuse to pay the spectator fee, your umpires will not be paid for the game. It will be up to the umpire to continue the game or suspend the game until the situation is resolved.

If the spectators or their coach’s will not resolve the issue and the umpires choose to not work for free, the game will be forfeited, the opposing team will be declared the winner, the violating team may be removed from the tournament and no refunds will be due because of lack of games. The only issues we ever seem to have is when our games are played on fields without fences or the parking lot is located where fans can sit in their car and watch games.

12. Each team may have up to a maximum of three coaches in the dugout and these coaches will not be charged an admission. The coaches in the dugout are those the head coach lists out on the tournament roster. Many teams use parents to help with scoring, hitting balls, etc., these are considered fans.Notify the tournament staff if there are coaching changes.

13. The birthday cutoff is May 1st. In the 13U/14U/15U/16U/17U/18U tournaments, a player may participate if he is one year older, but was in the same grade in school as the rest of the players on his team and in the particular age group tournament. The player may not be older than one year as of May 1st and the player must show proof (report card, etc.) at the time of check in. Questions of age eligibility shall be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director. Such matters will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games the ineligible player played. The forfeit score shall be 12-0 for tiebreaker purposes. Teams in the 17U may roster up to two 18U players, 18U may roster up to two 19 year old players.


14. Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. If the previous game finishes early, teams may be asked to begin play up to 30 minutes earlier than scheduled. If a team fails to field 7 players within 15 minutes of game time, the Tournament Director, at his discretion, may issue a forfeit victory.

The team that wins the game by forfeit will be credited with a 7-0 victory for tiebreaker purposes; however, the Tournament Director may remove the non-showing team and reschedule the present team so that they get their promised quantity of games. A team starting with less than 9 players will include a spot(s) at the end of their batting order. If a player arrives, they will be inserted into the lines-up in the empty spot. Until they arrive, an out will be recorded when the empty spot in the order comes up, but it will not be the final out in an inning.


16. The home team for seeding games is scheduled prior to the start of the game. If teams have not been notified, then home team shall be determined by a coin flip and it will keep the official scorebook. In bracket play, the better seed will be the home team throughout the bracket playoffs.

17. The home team as scheduled will be in the 3rd base dugout. If a team has back to back games on the same field, they should always remain in the same dugout, to avoid the extra time involved in moving bags, etc. Players should remain alert at all times for balls and bats coming their way and retrieve foul balls.

18. There will be no infield practice before games. Teams are allowed to play catch in the outfield area if the time allows. Never do flip drills into fences on the premise or any other drill that will cause destruction to the facilities property.

19. At the end of each game, the Home Team will text the score to an assigned phone number. Both team representatives will  sign and turn in the Official Scorecard to the gate attendent or on-site tournament director.

In doing so, both teams are attesting the score and winner is correct. Your team representative shall write in the score, or verify its correctness if the other team wrote in the score and update the scoreboard posted near concessions immediately following each game. Gate attendents and umpires turn take your scorecard and text the final score to the Tournament Director, which will update the scores on the tournament’s website. Since tiebreakers often come into play, accurate score reporting is essential. Scores will be posted by the concession stand and online. If your score is reported incorrectly, inform the tournament director immediately.

We understand this seems like overkill, but wrong or missing data when it comes to seeding creates big problems.

20. To seed and handle tiebreakers, the following shall be used:

A. Most points scored from won-lost-tie records. You get 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss.

B. Head-to-head when only two teams are involved in the tie.

C. Total runs scored (Maximum of 12 runs per game will count towards this tie breaker)

D. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament (max 12 runs in any onegame)

E. Strength of schedule – most points by opponents.

F. High card draw or Tourney Director’s discretion – for example avoiding two teams that have already played.

21. The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field conditions, darkness, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up. Additionally, the tournament director may modify the schedule during the tournament at his sole discretion.

22. Each team will assign a player on the bench or a spectator to retrieve foul balls on their side of the field.

23. There will be a “zero tolerance” policy for any alcohol or tobacco anywhere within the confines of the tournament venues. The Manager will be ejected from the game(s) if his team’s fans bring alcohol onto the event premises, including the parking lot.

Playing Rules

24. The official playing rules for the tournament shall be the NFHS (high school) rules with the following highlights/exceptions:

Length of Game– 7 innings for 13U and older, 12U and younger will play 6.

Field Dimensions – So long as field dimensions are the same for both teams, we’ll play ball. Some parks we utilize will not accommodate our exact dimensions and teams should make their own adjustments.

We strive to have games played as follows:

14U and older… 60′ 6″ pitching plate to home plate X 90′ bases

13U… 54′ pitching plate to home plate X 90′ bases on the varsity and jv baseball high school fields or 54′ x 80′ when played at parks. Portable mounds may be used in which case pitchers will need shoes without metal spikes. Note: Thursday games may be played on high school fields.

11U and 12U… 50′ pitching plate to home plate X 70′ bases – 200′ fences on most fields

8U-9U-10U… 46′ pitching plate to home plate. Bases are at 65′ or 70′ because we permit lead-offs and stealing.

25. Players – One Extra Hitter (EH) may be used.

If an EH is used, there are free defensive rotations/substitutions among the 10 players listed on the batting order. An EH should be thought of as a defensive position, just on the bench.

A team may also use a Desingated Hitter (DH). This player is a hitter for another player who plays a defensive position. If the hitter takes the field, he may only do so for the defensive player he was the hitter for and this player may not return to the game except at a courtesy runner.

Similary, if the defensive player hits, he may only do so for the DH and the DH is now out of the game except as a courtesty runner.

26. A starting player that is substituted may be reinstated into the line-up once. A sub may not re-enter once he leave the game.

27. A starting pitcher that is removed from the mound, but not ever out of the batting line-up can re-take the mound once. No relief pitcher may re-take the mound after he/she has been relieved. The starting pitcher may become the EH and later retake the mound.

28. NO BATTING ORDER WILL HAVE MORE THAN 10 PLAYERS IN THE LINE UP… NO EXCEPTIONS, even when both coaches agree. Some teams bring 15 players, some bring 10. 

29. Pitching Limitations

The ultimate safety of players and the responsibility of managing pitch counts and innings pitched rests with the team’s Manager and the player’s parents. It is strongly recommended that no pitcher pitch more than 14 innings in any 3 day period, but this is up to the player, coaches and parents.

30. Some games may use portable mounds, metal spikes may not be worn on portable mounds.

31. Safety – Bat Restrictions and Equipment Notes

32. All wood bats are acceptable. For 14U-18U, the NFHS bat standards (BBCOR) are to be followed for all non-wood bats with a maximum of -3 weight/length ratio. For 8U-13U, there are no weight/length bat restrictions, but bats must contain a BPF 1.15 or BBCOR stamp. If a bat is permissable in Little League, USSSA, CABA, etc., it is permisable in our tournament.

No corked bats or other manufacturer altered bats are permitted.

If a bat is found to be illegal by credible organizations, for example it fails the quality control measure of USSSA, then it will be deemed illegal in our tournament.

Batting recommendations continuously change form year to year. Our rules may change without notice to reflect recommendations of bat manufacturers or those organizations that are considered authority on player safety issues.

33. The ultimate responsibility for selecting and inspecting all team equipment for safety rests with each team’s Head Coach.

Coaches that recognize (or are told by a player) that a player on either team is using an illegal bat is to notify the umpire immediately and not wait for a big play to be called off. If a player is thought to have used an illegal bat, the opposing coach must request the bat to be checked immediately and prior to the next pitch and if a player is found to have used an illegal bat, the opposing coach has the choice to allow the play to stand or call for a “mulligan” (do the pitch over with all runners back at their starting point and the previous count on the batter).

If an umprie is aware or becomes aware that a coach knowingly knew an illegal bat was being used and did not notify the umpire immediately, the umpire will let any play stand.

34. Metal Spikes are allowed for 13U and older, but not for 12U. No metal spikes on portable mounds.

35. Every effort will be made to make sure base distances, pitching distances, and field dimensions are accurate. So long as the field dimensions are reasonable and the same for both teams, play shall not be stopped to reinstall bases or pitching rubbers.


36. Players should use their best efforts to avoid contact, including returning to a proceeding base. Intentionally running over another player, lowering a shoulder into another, etc. is grounds for immediate ejection at the sole discretion of the umpire. He may, at his discretion, give a warning based on the severity of the collision, an attempt to avoid contact made, etc.

Defensive players must give access to a base to the runner, unless the defense is in the act of catching the ball. If the base is blocked unessarily, a coach may challenge the call with the umpire who may award the base if its clear the offensive player might have been safe. 

Intentionally trying to harm another by smashing into them when it is avoidable is an automatic out and grounds for ejection.

When there is a close play at 2nd, 3rd or home, players should avoid contact. For example, In a very close play at one of these bases and the player does not slide resulting in a violent collision, in the viewpoint of the umpire, the player that did not slide may be called out.

37. It is runner interference should a players not slide or get completely out of the way of the fielders when breaking up a double play and both runners will be out in cases where the double play could have been made.

38. In all ages 13 or under, players may not fake bunt and swing. Fake bunts are legal, just not fake bunts and swing. The umpire is to call the ball dead, the batter out and return any base runners to their starting point. At 14U and older, this is a legal play.

Time Limits

39. There will be no new inning started after the time limit expires. The start time shall begin at the conclusion of the coach’s meeting with the umpires.

The home plate umpire or his designee shall monitor the official time. All games, except championship game, with a 2:15 minute time slot will have a 2 hour time linit. If the time slot is 2 hours or under, the time limit is 15 minutes less. For example, a 2 hour time slot will have an 1:45 time limit. If the game time slots need to be less to get games in (ex. rain delays), the Tournament Director may reduce the game time.

The recording of the third out of the bottom of an inning starts a new inning and its this exact point that will be used to determine if another inning shall be played or not or reverted back to for tie-breaker purposes.

If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over immediately after the top half of the inning is played and the bottom half of the last inning shall not be played. If the home team is still up to bat and winning the game when the time limit expires, the game will be ended immediately without completing another pitch.

40. If a game is delayed due to weather or anything outside the normal course of the game, such as, a player requires medical attention, a protest situation occurs, rules are being sorted out, etc., the game clock will be stopped until resolved.

41. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for all games in the event of weather or scheduling issues. There is no time limit in championship games (unless the Tournament Director deems it necessary due to weather or scheduling issues).

42. After the regulation game has ended (7 innings for 13U and older, 6 innings 12 and under) but before the time-limit when a game is tied, extra innings will be played with each team starting the inning with a man on 1st and 3rd base and 0 outs.

The batting order continues from where it left off, meaning whoever would be the next batter will bat and the two previous players in the batting order will take 1st and 3rd.

43. In pool play, games can end in a tie.

44. The championship game will be played until there is a winner. If the game is cut short due to darkness and the game is tied after the last complete inning (or if the home team is winning and up to bat), the better seed will be the winner.

45. In bracket play if the game is tied after regulation innings but there is time remaining, teams will continue playing until one team is winning after a complete inning. It the game is tied after the final inning due to the time limit, one additional inning will be played. If the game is still tied, the better seed will advance.

The bracket play extra innings will be played with each team starting the inning with a man on 1st and 3rd base and 0 outs. The batting order continues from where it left off, meaning whoever would be the next batter will bat and the two previous players in the batting order will take 1st and 3rd.

Note: In tournaments where our field(s) is lighted and time permits (not late into the night and we have use of the field), there will be no ties in bracket play. Once time has expired, all new innings will start with a runner on 1st and 3rd and the game will continue until there is a winner.

46. If a team has back to back games and they are close to or past the scheduled start time for their next game, they will be given 15 minutes from the last out to the first pitch. Most fields do not have lights so we need to stay on schedule.

47. Weather Shortened Games – Under inclement weather, the game may be called anytime after it is started. If under three innings have been played and scheduling permits, the game will resume from where it left off; however, if scheduling does not permit, the team in the lead after the last complete inning will be the winning team. This may be the case even if only one ining is played.

If the game is ended in the middle of an inning and the home team is losing, the score from the last complete inning will be the final score but if the home team is winning and up to bat when the game is called, they will be the winner. Umpires may halt play due to weather or other circumstances, but only tournament director may end the game.

48. Bracket Play Time Limits– The tournament champions and runner-up champions may be playing the final game of the day late at night or in when it gets dark. For the benefit of the payers, fans and everyone else, teams and umpires should work to start games on time or early so that complete games can be played and we can complete as early as possible.

1) There will be one extra inning after time expires if the teams are tied and the field is not more than 15 minutes beyond the next game’s scheduled start time. If the teams are still tied after the extra inning or there is not enough time to play the additional inning, the better seed advances.

The championship game has no time limit. If we have lights, games will continue until there is a winner. If the game is called because of darkness or weather and the score is tied, the better seed is the champion.

2) During bracket play, if the current game ends in a tie or the game is over time limit, all additional innings will be played with a runner on 1st and 3rd base. The batter will be the next up in the line up and the runners will be the two in the batting order just before the batter. A pinch  hitter or pinch runner may be substituted in if one is available.

3) An umpire observing a team is doing things to intentionally run out the clock instead of permitting the plays in the game to determine the outcome, the umpire is immediately warn the coach, and after a warning if the coach/players continue to stall, the umpire is to extend the game proportionate to the delays.

4) In bracket play, teams after the 1st scheduled game of the day are to be at the field and prepared to play 45 minutes before their scheduled start time. If the previous game ends early (slotter), the teams are to begin within 15 minutes of the previous game’s conclusion.

5) On fields with no lights, no new batter may be pitched to after 8:20 pm or earlier at the sole discretion of the umpire if he/she determines its unsafe to play due to darkness. The game concludes at this time. If a game is tied after time has expired and no new inning may begin because the game has passed the next game’s scheduled start time or darkness, the better seed will advance.

6) If the game is ended before completion due to darkness or weather, etc. but not time, the winner will be the home team if they are in the lead. If the game is tied or the visitors are winning and the inning is not complete, the winner will be whichever team was leading after the last previous completed inning that there was a team in the lead. If no team was ever in the lead at a completed inning, the better seed will be the winner (pool play will be a tie).

7) If a bracket play game is cancelled (weather, etc.), the better seed(s) will advance.

49. Speed Rules Apply

We want to complete games! In order to do so, we’ve adapted rules that have proven to assist umpires, coaches and players to get in all innings.

It is ideal for teams to get full and complete games in. For this reason, all players, coaches and umpires are asked to keep the game moving at a steady pace by getting on and off the field briskly, one foot in the batters box while getting signals, on deck hitters getting foul balls behind the catcher, etc. Teams should not (may not) engage in gross stalling tactics.

Pre-inning Warm-ups

Pitchers at the start of the game and relief pitchers shall have 6 pitches on the mound and all subsequent innings the pitchers have two throws. If a pitcher needs more throws, he should do so in hi bullpen while his team is hitting.

Pre-Inning Infield

After the first inning, there is no infield or outfield throws between innings on the field unless there is a new pitcher getting their full warmups or the catcher made the final out and is not ready.

If a field is well ahead of schedule, teams may take a standard infield with the pitcher getting 4 pitches (4th pitch goes down).

Players needing additional throws should do so while their team is batting.

Trips to the Mound

Coaches have a maximum of one minute from once time is called to address their infield at the mound.

Indiana High School rules offer a coach one free conference to the mound in an inning. If the coach makes a second trip to the mound in the same inning, that pitcher must be pulled from the game.

During the game, a coach may make TWO visits to the mound without pulling a pitcher. Starting with the 3rd conference and all subsequent trips by a coach to the mound for a conference, the pitcher must be removed from the pitcher’s position. If a pitcher is pulled, the trip is not considered a conference.

Mound visits are aggregate and do not start over when a pitching change is made.

49. Intentional Walks

There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.

50. Courtesy Runners

Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher, but mandatory for pitchers and catchers once there is 1 or more outs. Pitchers and catchers are to be ready and take the field immediately once the final out has been made.

The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the batting lineup. If a team has no subs, the courtesy runner will be the player in the batting order that currently is the last possible player to come up to bat and who is not currently on base, but not the pitcher or catcher.

The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher from the previous inning or starters if in the first inning. During games with no time limits or when time has expired, a team may use, but is no longer required to use, a courtesy runner.

51. Mercy Rules

The mercy rule is 10 after 4.

The mercy rule in bracket play is 8 after 3.

If one team goes up by 15, their at-bats in that inning will be immediately concluded regardless of being the visitors or home team. Once a team is ahead by 15 runs, they will be limited to 8 batters in all subsequent innings where the differential is 15+ runs.


52. Sunsets 

Sunset rules apply if the park has no lights. The sun sets between 8:20 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. in Northwest Indiana in June/July. Unless playing on a lighted field, no new batter may enter the batters box after 8:20 p.m. If a game is still in progress at this time, the winner shall be the home team if they are winning, or if the home team is not in the lead, the winner will be whichever team was leading after the last completed inning.

53. Balks

There will be no warnings for balks. Umpires are to call the balks they see. They may advise the pitcher and coach why they called a balk after it has occurred, but should not be advising the pitcher prior to making the call. Common balks should be called for no pause, dropping the ball while on the rubber, non-pitching motions leading to no pitches thrown once set, getting set twice, taking signs from the dugout or while not on the rubber, fake throws to 1st without stepping off the rubber, throwing a pick off to a player not at a base, etc.

With a runner on 1st and 3rd, faking a throw to third, throwing to 1st is not a balk in our tournament.

54. Ejections

If a coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension is for the remainder of the game AND the next game the team plays. The tournament director has discretion to lengthen the penalty if its in the best interest and safety of the tournament or shorten the penalty to only the remainder of the game should he determine its the right thing to do.

Warranted ejections will not have their penalties reduced. If a player is ejected, he is out only for the remainder of the current game, unless the reason for the ejection is severe or really bad sportsmanship in which case the tourney director may add a game(s) suspension or removal from the tournament.

Ejected coaches, players and fans are to leave the entire baseball complex and premises without further distraction. Failure to do so may result in removal from the tournament.

55. Alcohol Ejections – This is youth baseball, not Wrigley Field. Parents and coaches, don’t booze up or take illegal drugs before or during the game.

We don’t want you at the park if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Additionally, our leases demand that we prohibit alcohol on the premises. Giving players the opportunity to play a nice quantity of games at an economic price is more important than any one individual’s need to party at the field or tail gate in the parking lot (or elsewhere) during or before arriving at the game. Those drinking anywhere on the premises are putting our organization at risk.

The Manager of the team is the team representative, thus accountable for the behavior of his supporters. He/she will be ejected from the game and perhaps the tournament if his parents or spectators are intoxicated or drinking alcohol/doing drugs on the school or park property, including the parking lot. The person(s) drinking or intoxicated will also be ejected.

Additionally, if anyone on your team causes a disturbance where the police need to be called, your coach may be ejected and your team may be removed from the tournament.

If you have supporters that you know are potential trouble sources or have a habit of causing problems for others, please ask them to stay away.

So Managers… You are responsible and accountable for the play of your team AND the behavior of those that support your team.

57. Injuries and Early Departures

If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire), is unable to continue playing, and the team has no more players in uniform, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he is done for the remainder of that game.

Miscellaneous Stuff

58. Refund Policy

If BombSquad Baseball cancels an event prior to the start date because of lack of registrations or events within its control, all teams registered will receive a 100% refund.

If a tournament is cancelled due to unusual circumstances, such as, earthquakes, war, floods, sewage issues, government decisions, health or welfare concerns, facility closures, etc., BombSquad Baseball will use its best efforts to reschedule the tournament within 60 days. If a tournament is not able to be played because of unusual circumstances, BombSquad Baseball will refund 100% of monies paid upon written request.

If an individual purchases a weekend pass, the team remains available to play throughout the scheduled days of the tournament, and the tournament is cancelled by BombSquad for any reason, the team or individual will be refunded as follows:

  • 0 games played: 100% Refund
  • 1 game played: 50% Refund.
  • 2+ games played: No refunds

If an event is cancelled or altered due to inclement weather and the team remains available to play throughout the scheduled days of the tournament, refunds or credits will be issued as follows:

  • 0 games played: Full refund or credit towards a future Midwest Baseball Championships event either later this year or next year.
  • 1 game played: 50% refund or 100% credit towards a future Midwest Baseball Championships event either later this year or next year.
  • 2+ games played: No refunds or credits


Once an entry fee is paid for an event, teams may cancel and get a 100% refund if they withdraw 30+ days before the first day of the tournament. There will be no refunds issued for teams who withdraw for any reason within 30 days of the first day of the tournament.

A team may replace itself with another team and the two teams may work out their own financial arrangement.

59. Game Schedules

BombSquad Baseball will release the official Midwest Baseball Championships schedule for each event on or before the Tuesday prior to the event. If a scheduled is published before the Tuesday, all teams are asked to recheck the schedule on or after 6 pm on Tuesday evening. Teams must be prepared to play in any of the time slots for the scheduled days of the event. Teams that do not show up for a scheduled game will be removed from the tournament.

60. Results

After every game, both coaches or a team representative are to sign the official scorecard provided and turn it into the umpire or tournament staff. Game results will be updated as timely as possible online at and near the concession stand.


61. 8U Additional Rules

Dimensions 46’ pitching x 65’ bases

No stealing home, runners must score by a batted ball, walk or hit by pitch

No balks will be called

No drop 3rdstrike – batter is out if strike 3 is called

Mandatory courtesy runner for catcher with 1 or 2 outs. Courtesy runners are to be someone not in the batting line-up, or if all are playing, the last player that will bat in the current inning.

There is no infield or outfield throwing after the 1stinning. Kids can throw outside the dugout if they need to throw.

After a pitcher has pitched in a previous inning, they get two pitches as a warm-up in new innings. They throw a pitch, the second pitch is thrown down by the catcher.

Up to 3 Extra Hitters allows – you can bat 9, 10, 11, or 12 kids that can freely move around defensively. Additional players may sub into the batting line-up but if pulled they are out for the game.

There is a 12 batter maximum per inning. To end the inning on the 12thbatter, the defensive player needs to have control of the ball and step on home plate.

If a player is removed from the batting order without a substitute for injury, sickness, etc., their spot in the order is skipped and no out is recorded. The player may not reenter the game.

Mercy rule is a 15 run lead after 4 completed innings (3 ½ if home team is up).

Home Run Derby – home plate will be at or near 2ndbase and the players will hit over the 1stbase fence (spectators beware). The player may hit from a tee or have someone pitch or soft toss to them.

62. Skills Competitions

Home Run Derby– Each participating player will have a chosen parent or coach do side toss to the player. Every ball hit that doesn’t clear the fence will be an out. Once the player reaches 5 outs, his turn is over. The fences will be set at 270′ for 15 and older, 210’ for 14U and 13U, 150′ for 11U and 12U and 120′ for 10U.

Our Home Run Derby doubles as a fund raiser. Each player on your roster may participate in the contest for a $10/player donation. Sign-up on the website or at the event. 

Occasionally, we have too many teams enter a tournament, weather conditions cause scheduling changes or there are not many that sign-up. In those cases, BombSquad Baseball reserves the right to not host a derby.

Top Guns Infield Competition –  Each 8U-14U team in the tourney will select a complete infield to compete. Whichever team gets the ball around the infield the fastest is the winner. Teams will get two tries. Missed balls must be picked up by the intended receiver. Here is the order:

Throw 1 – Pitcher to catcher

Throw 2 – Catcher to 3rd

Throw 3 – 3rdto 2nd

Throw 4 – 2ndto 1st

Throw 5 – 1stto catcher

Throw 6 – catcher to ss

Throw 7 – ss to 3rd

Throw 8 – 3rdto 2nd

Throw 9 – 2ndto 1st

Throw 10 – 1stto ss

Throw 11 – ss to pitcher

Note: When a ball is thrown to a position, the player must tag the bag with his mitt/ball before releasing the ball. Short stop and 2nd share second base.

Barely missing a bag is a 2 second penalty, grossly missing a bag is a 10 second penalty.

The umpires will keep time and turn in the results with their official scorecard. The winning team will be posted neat the concession stands on or before the start of the Home Run Derby.